Hiking through a forest is a great way to not only find yourself but create stronger bonds with the people you love as well. You’ll see stuff that you haven’t seen in a long time (or ever), and it will expand your mentality in regards to life. It might sound a little absurd at first, but hiking can have a drastic impact on the way you’re living. Obsessive thoughts are something that troubles many of us because society is built upon values that shouldn’t be held in such high regard.
When you want to feel a peace of mind, hiking can help you out – it’ll greatly reduce the amount of stress you’re feeling, as well as allow you to work more physical activity into your life. Researchers took it upon themselves to develop solid evidence of this claim, and it was done through a study published in “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences”. The research suggested that spending time out in the open amongst nature will decrease the amount of obsessive thoughts you feel, as well as negative thoughts, by a massive amount.
When it comes to urbanization, researchers noted that most individuals living in the city experienced higher levels of depression and other mental illnesses. There are just too many things to worry about! If you can take the time out of your routine to find some outdoor time, you’re going to be changing your physiological make-up in a positive manner.
Disconnect Yourself from Technology
If your children are dealing with ADHD, apparently hiking outdoors can help improve their symptoms. They tend to get distracted much easier when compared to the average child, and have a hard time controlling their impulses – by disconnecting the common problems of society, they may be able to find peace amongst the trees. A study was conducted by Frances E. Kup, Ph.D., and Andrea Faber Taylor, Ph.D., regarding this subject; they found that green outdoor activities were significantly beneficial for children suffering from ADHD. It’s a better route than prescription drugs, that’s for sure. It could also boost your children’s brainpower, all the meanwhile keeping them fit (as hiking can burn anywhere from 400 to 700 calories per hour).
It isn’t difficult to get into the swing of things – hiking can be a hobby that you develop a love for almost immediately. Just get the right boots, backpacks and all of the snacks/water you’ll need for the trip; after that, you just need a willingness to walk.
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